Forget New Years Resolutions! Here’s 5 Ways You Can Still Make 2018 Your Best Year Yet

There are less than 4 weeks left in 2018. It’s crazy, I know! I find myself wondering how I got here. How is 2018 almost over already?

The end of a year is when we end up reflecting on all that has happened for us in the year. And often reflecting on all that has not happened. The weight we still haven’t lost. The dream job we still haven’t found. The relationships that are still struggling. The debt we still have to pay off.

Reflections can often turn into beating ourselves up. We get all riled up to set a bunch of New Year’s Resolutions, determined that the New Year will be the year that we turn everything around.

STOP! You are perfect exactly as you are and exactly where you are.

Don’t turn the beauty of a New Year into the pressure to change it all. Use this transitional time to focus instead on how far you’ve come. All the beautiful moments you’ve shared and experienced. All the suffering you’ve overcome. All the growth, discovery, and adventure you’ve lived. Now is the time to reflect on all 2018 has offered you and embrace the fact that every morning you wake up in bed in the morning is an opportunity to embrace more.

Yes, there are still more than 3 weeks left in 2018 to ENJOY. Don’t wait until January 1st to begin making the most of your precious time on this Earth. I want you to declare today that you are deciding to make the most of every moment. What can you give, do, experience, and BE in December 2018 that will have January 1st feeling like just another fabulous day in your ongoing journey rather than some ominous deadline to “fix” your life?

Start making small changes today that lead towards creating lifetime habits that honor and nurture the “big” resolutions you may have been saving until January 1st to bombard yourself with.

Here are some journal prompts to help you embrace these waning days of 2018 with joy, gratitude, and motivation.

Journal Prompts

  • What have I learned and how have I grown from a challenging or stressful situation in 2018? How will it help me in 2019?
  • What would my life be like if I decide to love all of me, starting now, instead of setting Resolutions for a “better” me in 2019?
  • Where in my life am I overcommitted? How can I create more ease in my life moving into 2019 rather than burdening myself with more commitments and expectations in the form of Resolutions?
  • What small changes can I start to make now to begin to create the positive habits that I want to be part of my life in 2019?
  • What positive impact did I have on the lives of others in 2018? How would I like to make a positive impact in 2019?

Looking for some other ways to make the most of the rest of 2018? I invite you to join the #MAKETODAYMATTER Movement!

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